Pitman Masonic Lodge #197 Free and Accepted Masons

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Lodge Officers 2024

WM . R.W. Kenneth W.  Thomas…......... 609-432-9886

 SW...Joseph Sauro………………………...856-863-1003

JW….Michael Paris Jr……………………..856-236-7598

Tres . Keith Sanders PM……………….…856-374-2261

Sec... Michael J. Paris, PM ........................ 856- 881-6312

SD .....Brian Kane PM…………………….856-419-0626

JD…... John Young……………………….609-820-9888

SMC . Matthew Johnson………..……….856-417-3591

 JMC.  James Hall…………………....……210-799-8180

SS .... Girard Falzon………………………..609-647-1806

JS ..... Christian Petty…………………….856-628-6916

Chp .. Gerald Montgomery ................. ….856- 359-6212

MAR...William McNair……………………302-740-9430

TLR .. Michael T. Lowe ............................. 856- 589-6612

Lodge Trustees

Matthew Johnson………………………….856-417-3591

 Keith M. Lypka………………………..…....856-361-4625

Thomas Little Sr,……………………………856-881-5535

Building Trustees


Grand Lodge Officers

 Grandmaster of the State of New Jersey

                M.W. Leonard Vander Horn

100 Barrack St.

Trenton, NJ 08625

Cell: 973-886-9486

Email: lvanderhorn@gmail.com 

District Deputy Grand Master

                RW Thomas G. Rathof



 District Ritual Instructor

                RW Christopher J. Roethke



Sick and Distressed Brothers

If you know of any sick and distressed brothers, or anyone that has passed, please contact our Grand Chaplins

R.W. Keith M. Lypka   856-361-4625   keithlypka11@gmail.com   or

R.W. Lenard Rust,  856-404-3191, lenrust@gmail.com




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