Pitman Masonic Lodge #197 Free and Accepted Masons

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Lodge Events

Feb. 2nd: (Sunday), Officers Practice, 7PM. All members (Master Masons), are welcome.

Feb. 8th: All You Can Eat Breakfast, 8-11AM, Adults $10, Children $5.

Feb. 9th: No Practice, Super Bowl Sunday.

Feb. 11th: Regular Communication, 6:30 opening ****NOTE TIME CHANGE***

We will open early, conduct business, and  go to Mantua Lodge for the OES Master Mason night. (The Chili Contest will be postponed until June).

Feb. 16th: (Sunday), Officers practice. All members (Master Masons), are welcome.

Feb. 20th: (Thursday), EA courtesy degree at Mantua Lodge for 2 Pitman candidates.

Feb. 23rd: (Sunday), Officers practice. All members (Master Masons) are welcome.

Feb. 27th: DLI at Pennsgrove Lodge. 7PM start time.



Meetings of District 21 Lodges   

Mantua: Second Thursday of the month.

Pennsgrove-Excelsior: First Wednesday of the month.

Clarksboro: First Monday of the month.

Williamstown: First and third Tuesday of the month.

Woodstown: The first Tuesday of the month.

Pitman: The second Tuesday of the month.



                                             Message from the Worshipful Master

Good Day Brothers,

 As we enter February, I would like to thank all that came out to our last meeting. We had another successful blood drive. Our Breakfasts have become busier and a great place to meet new and old friends.

Our meeting this month will open at 6:30. This is so we can go to the Master Mason Night and to support the OES. The Chili cook- off will be moved to June. We are selling tickets for a Masonic bomber jacket. They are $5 a ticket, and we have baseball chances tickets as well. They are $10; please see the secretary or myself to purchase tickets.

At work I was doing some research on a dinner and demo and found this quote. I feel that it gives some great advice to live by. “The greatest pleasure is CHOCOLATE!”  The only part I would change is to substitute family or brotherhood for chocolate.

The greatest Emotion is Love.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest gift is your own Life.
The greatest pleasure is CHOCOLATE. (Family, Brotherhood).

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is that there’s always something new to learn.
The greatest virtue is temperance.
The greatest meditation is a peaceful mind.
The greatest practice is to be Kind.
The greatest challenge is to let go.

The greatest wisdom is to be in the NOW. -Pablo


Michael Paris Jr.,

Worshipful Master

Attest: Michael Paris, Secretary



Dues are still $150.00, you may pay your dues using this link:



www.pitmanmasons.org                                                                                           pitmanmasons@gmail.com